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A first group of 25 homeless people vaccinated in the Vatican

Others will follow in the coming days. Due to the epidemic, “this year it will not be possible to experience the Spiritual Exercises of the Roman Curia in community at the Casa Divin Maestro in Ariccia.”

Twenty-five homeless people were vaccinated this morning at the Vatican.

In making the announcement, Holy See Press Office Director Matteo Bruni said that those vaccinated today are part of a “first group” of people “who regularly receive assistance from the Office of Papal Charities. Other groups will follow in the coming days.”

The vaccine was administered in the Paul VI Hall, the usual venue of papal audiences, set aside for the Vatican's vaccination campaign.

The arrangement includes two examination tables, a screen and all the necessary medical equipment. An ultra-low temperature refrigerator was purchased to store the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine.

Today it was also announced that due to the current health emergency, “this year it will not be possible to experience the Spiritual Exercises of the Roman Curia in community at the Casa Divin Maestro in Ariccia.”

The Holy Father has therefore invited the cardinals resident in Rome, the heads of dicasteries and the superiors of the Roman Curia to make their own personal arrangements to withdraw in prayer, from the afternoon of Sunday 21 to Friday 26 February.

During that week, all the Holy Father's engagements will be suspended, including the general audience on Wednesday 24 February.

From AsiaNews


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