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Family Map 2019 – Family and Religion

World Family Map 2019 is on-line with an analysis in 11 countries on religion and family well-being.

The Ties that Bind: Is Faith a Global Force for Good or Ill in the Family? This is the title of the Family World Map 2019, the atlas on the changes in families and in children's well-being in the world, carried out by IFS – Institute for Family Studies in collaboration with Wheatley Institution. Social Trend Institute and various universities. The report analyses 3 topics in particular: the relation between religion and fertility with processed data gathered by the World Values Survey (WVS) and by Global Family and Gender Survey (GFGS); religion, gender equality and quality of the couple's relationship, and religion, domestic violence and infidelity, with an original research carried out in 11 countries (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Great Britain and United States) and thematic sheets for each country.

The report identifies religion as the element of good quality of family life in America, Europe and Oceania, especially in relation with the fertility rate, and the satisfaction in couple's life. However, it is revealed that religious practice does not constitute a protective factor with regard to domestic violence: in 1 family out of 5 among those that declare that they practice their faith episodes of violence against women are recorded. Therefore, the report suggests that, apart from the religious practice in itself, what really makes a difference is the participation in the religious community: the rules of behaviour and the shared relations networks are the most efficient tools in supporting the families. The second part of the World Family Map includes a series of structural indicators on families in the world, in particular on the structure and on the social-economical condition of families: families in absolute and relative poverty, malnutrition and undernourishment. Executive summary.


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