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Presentation of the Family International Monitor the Pontifical Theological Institute "John Paul II"

Aggiornamento: 27 mar 2019

On Thursday, March 21st at the Pontifical Theological Institute "John Paul II" for the Sciences of Marriage and the Family, was held an event to present the Family International Monitor, an initiative proposed by the Institute in cooperation with the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia and the CISF International Centre for Family Studies in Milan.

The project, presented last December 6th, 2018 at the Vatican Press Office, aims to implement a scientific research on the international level about the concrete condition of families in different social, cultural and economic contexts.

The research will take place over a period of 3 years (2019-2021) and will be marked by the creation of two reports on family and relational poverty and family and economic poverty, fundamental guidelines that will lead all the research on the subject.

The study is carried out by various Institutes and University faculties in Benin, Kenya, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, the United States of America, Italy, Spain, Finland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, China, Hong Kong and Qatar.

Together with Caritas Internationalis, several national Caritas such as Tunisia, Latvia, Peru, India, Zambia, Turkey and Burkina Faso have already joined the project.

The Observatory is a precious tool wanted by Pope Francis as a way to "keep his feet on the ground" and bring the family back to the "control room of history".

During his greetings, the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II, H.E. Mons. Vincenzo PAGLIA, reminded us that the Observatory is a project conceived during the work of the Synod for the Family, as a response to the Holy Father's request "to stay with our feet on the ground, and that is to understand the concrete situation of the families of our world. The objective of the project, he stressed, is that of "a careful reading, not purely sociological, but a spiritual reading of the condition of the families; a reading that while accepting the scientific methodology is nevertheless inspired by a perspective that is that of Christianity".

The following interventions were made by: Prof. Pierangelo SEQUERI, Dean of the Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II, Prof. Francesco BELLETTI, Director of CISF and Prof. José Luis MENDOZA PEREZ, President of the Universidad Católica San Antonio di Murcia (Spain).


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